Durat recycled solid surface worktops P009 Gin Daisy

The Good Yard

Tasty tills

Re-designing one of its London branches, The Good Yard offers a range of healthy, on the go food and drinks. Guests are most likely to find a variations of delicious salads, quality coffee and iconic green juices in a comforting and laid back environment.

Using the Durat Palace Collection in Gin Daisy (P009), the solid surface material is perfect for the high pace life of London café countertops.

The Good Yard have a simple and well made approach, which Durat can work with to add to their character, using it in the till point display and food presentation areas. Made with recycled post-industrial plastic, Durat is able to seamlessly act as an interior countertop and display, giving for a luxurious feel and silky, colourful finish.


The Good Yard


Till Point + Food Prep


Durat Palace P009 Gin Daisy


London, UK

Durat recycled solid surface worktops P009 Gin Daisy
The Good Yard Downstand in Durat P009
Durat recycled solid surface worktops P009 Gin Daisy