Hygienic, food safe solid paper composite material with incredible strength, screw retention and heat safe up to 176 C, the deep Natural colour part sheets are available up to 50mm thick part sheets - for prototyping, maker material and manufacturing consumer products.
When considering Natural versus Maple Valley the colours are nearly identical. Natural tends to perform best in exterior environments and for food prep, and Maple Valley is better suited to internal joinery. Both use rapidly renewable and sustainably sourced paper and start out as a light tan that will get deeper and warmer to a rich amber colour with time and use.
NSF Listed and tested to EU 1935/2004, Natural can be used in commercial kitchens, food prep and presentation areas, as placemats, coasters, chopping boards or to make utensils as well as industrial applications like tooling, moulds, CNC beds, truck beds, skate ramp and wall climbing surfaces.
All part sheets supplied in a Mill (unfinished) surface. Find more information about Richlite fabrication and finishing.